Reflections on the Mission trip


Our "last supper" with the team on the last night in Jaigaon. We were blessed to have Pst Abhiskek and Pst Arun with us on this trip. We shared many memories, the challenges on the road and in the hills. The churches and witnessing the power of God. 

But we also saw the hand of the Lord. He was there with us all throughout the journey. His presence went before us, and behind us. 

I love this particular refection by one of our team members and it summed up all:·

 “I was deeply moved by the dedication, perseverance, and sacrifice of the church planters and pastors in their efforts to reach the villagers. Despite having very little and facing opposition from local Hindus, the Christians in these villages continue to worship God wholeheartedly, demonstrating immense faith. Even the children's devotion was truly inspiring. Everywhere we went, they welcomed us warmly and treated us like royalty, displaying overwhelming humility and hospitality. They offered us their best, even washing our feet and hands, despite enduring difficult conditions themselves. Their kindness and faithfulness left a lasting impression on my heart.”

I am encouraged by all that we've accomplished so far, but it's only a drop in the ocean. We've barely scratched the surface, and there is still so much to be done. The Gospel must continue to reach the ends of the earth. 

I see the needs of the church planters and our coordinators. They have really sacrificed their lives for the gospel. In spite of the many challenges, they are pressing on. Their lives reflect the life of their Master. They live out Galatians 2:20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

The picture of the young boy and girl seated in the front,  keeps flashing in my mind. When we approached this remote village in Assam, these two kids were, with eyes closed and hands lifted up, worshipping God. They live in mud houses, deprived of the luxuries we all enjoy, yet worship God in "spirit and in truth". 

What will wake us up from our slumber to see the real need for souls? 

This afternoon I was sharing with our CP students in Pakistan not to pray or claim the Abrahamic blessings in Genesis 12:1-3, if we are not prepared to "Go from your country" (get out of our comfort zones) and "to the land I will show you" (fulfil the Great Commission).

I pray that we will all see the need for the Great Commission. How can we sit still, remain in our comfort zones and enjoy our "food and fellowship" when there are millions making their way to hell. 

Leonard Ravenhill penned “Give Me Souls Lest I Die!”


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