PEC’s 185th Church Building dedication at Baksa, Assam

It was my joy to dedicate PEC's 185th church building today in a village about 50 km from the capital of Assam, Guwahati. We drove about 5 hrs from Gorong Valley, Korajar to get here. Pst Angel is the church planter in this place and his mentor is Jennima's dad who has labored much in that area. 

About 40 people had gathered for the service. It was a working day and yet the people came. I shared the Word from Psalms 30 that God can turn our sorrows into joy. God will take the necessary action against the enemies. All we need to do is to trust God and let Him vindicate our cause.

We are indeed thankful to the Lord for the sponors who hae given generously for this church. 


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