Update on the village ministries in Odisha – Mar 2022

Dear prayer partners and sponsors,


As you are aware at the end of last year, we launched into some of the unreached tribal villages in the mountains in Rayagada, Odisha. I am delighted to inform you that the work has taken root and people are coming to accept the Lord in some of these villages. Don’t forget these people are very staunch in their religious beliefs and it is indeed the work of the Holy Spirit that they have allowed us into their villages.


Utesi Village


These young people from Utesi have accepted the Lord and they joined our PEC combined revival service in another town In Odisha

This is Utesi village. Pst Sananda and his wife Rita are serving here. The tuition centre is going on very well and the children have memorised many scripture verses. Sunday morning prayer service is going on and some young people and a family have accepted the Lord. The village people are very happy to see the work and are thankful that PEC workers are helping their children. We are indeed thankful to Toa Payoh Methodist Church Kindergarten, Singapore for sponsoring the uniforms for the kids in all the villages.


Sagdi Village


Sunil and his wife are working in this village. The tuition centre is doing well.  Parents are happy with the progress. Kids are being taught basic hygene and health care as well as the scriptures. Pst Sunil has started house prayer meetings and a few families are attending. Pec Bishamkatak distributed Sarees to all widows of Sagdi village. It’s so heartening to see even the poor are being the salt and light to the real needy. 


Hundijaji village




Pst Ananta and his wife Sukanti are working in this village.  It seems villagers were very happy to see all the work that our church planters are doing. We're also praying for the changes of  their lives so that they may understand who Jesus is .

Kurli Village



This is Kurli where Pst. Diwakara and wife are working. For this Dongriakond tribal people food and clothes are very important.  Pst Diwaka has already stared a house fellowship and a few families are attending. 

Elsewhere in Odisha we had some of our PEC churches come together for a time of prayer and revival meetings. The meetings were held over 3 days and my heart rejoiced to see the work that has grown over the years. A number of baptism were also reported. Soon we are planning to hold a youth retreat for all the youths in our PEC churches.

We are indeed thankful to the Lord for all that He is doing in Odisha. Its because of your prayers and partnership we are able to reach the unreached villages with the gospel. We request that you come along and help us to bring in the harvest.


To God be the glory.


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