First PEC Church Planters graduation by Hybrid attendance.

Yesterday was another historic milestone for PEC. We had the first church planters graduation by hybrid attendance. It was also the first time all the PEC Singapore board members participated in the graduation.

The graduation was supposed to be held last week but was delayed due to bad weather in Tamil Nadu. Heavy rains caused server flooding that made transportation difficult.

But we thank God this week the wether cleared up and we were able to  hold the graduation. Nevertheless many who wanted to come could not make it because of the transportation.

I was pleasantly surprised at the way the graduation was conducted. It was very well done and special mention must be made of Pst Thomas Jaya for doing all the arrangements his end. 
Pst Alvin from PEC Singapore shared the word and it was timely.
I was blessed and filled with joy to see this progress. Praying the these church planters will go out there and reach as many villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


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