My mother in law promoted to glory

My mother-in-law, Madam Manonmany, slipped into eternity peacefully yesterday evening. She was 94 years old. She loved the Lord and always looked forward to going to chuch on Sunday, even during her sunset years. We know this parting is temporary. We will meet her soon at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Psalms 116:15 - Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

The funeral service went well. The following is Jeya's eulogy on her mother which she read before the cremation.

"Good evening.


I would like to thank you all for being here today the celebrate my mother’s life. The number of you who took the time to be here to pay your respects is a testament of how much she meant to many of you. 


There is an old saying, “Well done is better than well said”.  That is very true of my mother. She was a quiet person, spoke less but did much.


A woman of few words but her actions spoke volumes. A woman of virtue but most importantly she loved the Lord and was faithful to Him till the end.


I still remember the time she gave her live to Christ and there was no turning back ever since. She always looked forward to coming to church on Sundays. You can literally see Psalms 122:1 - I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.”, written all over face, every time we go to pick her up for the morning service.


Most of you don’t know her early years. But those of us who know, will surely testify that she was a very strong woman, loved her husband and her children and would sacrifice for us.


My father would always say, my mom can always be trusted and that he had full confidence in her. In fact she was instrumental in turning my dad’s life for the better. She was hardworking, loving, caring and above all, sacrificial. 


She never looks down on others, always patient and always ready to help and give advice where necessary.


She had her lighter moments too. You can ask her anything about politics around the world, and she will be able to give you first hand updated information. That’s how she kept her mind busy. And with her grandchildren, she loves to joke with them.


My mother is a fervent supporter of missions. Of the little pension she receives, every month without fail, she would give her contribution to the faith pledge. How true the words of our Lord, in Luke 21:3, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others


To be honest, I am “sadly peaceful”, if I may use this term, at my mother’s passing. Sad that she will no longer be with us but joyful because she is with the one she loves, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


And it won’t be long before we will see her again. And those of us who have Jesus as our Lord, share this same hope. This passing is only temporary. 


Soon and very soon, we shall behold our Lord and our mother."


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