The Believer’s Identity in Christ (Ephesians 1)”.

This morning I spoke on the above subject based on Ephesians Chapter 1.  Our identity is "In Christ". The key thoughts were:

  1. Because our identity is in Christ, God is our Father.
  2. Because our identity is in Christ, we are Chosen
  3. Because our identity is in Christ, we are adopted as His sons/daughters
  4. Because our identity is in Christ, we have this  wonderful father-child relationship with God. 

Today is also Father's Day. I am indeed thankful to God for my father and also for the honor to be a father to three wonderful children and many spiritual children around the word. Jonathan led the worship so beautifully and I was soaked in His presence. I was blessed to receive messages from many spiritual children too. 

Most importantly God is my heavenly father. That's all it matter's in life,


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