Mission trip to India - 25-30 Jul 16

We retuned this morning at about 5:30AM. Praise God for another successful trip. Bro Reubern and I went on this trip. The objectives were as follows: Impart the discipleship lessons learned from Joshua Academy our church planters in Tamil Nadu/Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Leadership training for leaders/pastors in Patna, Bihar Ordination for senior church planters. Bro Reubern and I arrived Chennai on Monday, 25th Jul. Bro Reuben went on to Thirupathi, while I went to Patna, Bihar. All the church planters, about 40 of them gathered in Thirupathi, Chitoor District. Bro Reubern took the sessions for the Tamil Nadu church planters while Bishop Nehemiah took the sessions for the church planters from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. I was received by Pst Raji James at Patna airport and I stayed in their home. Pst Raji and his family have a center where they take care of 10 girls who were neglected or orphaned. It was heartening to see the ministry of Pst Raji. He and...