Mission Trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia - 26-29 Mar 15

Bro Samuel , Bro Stephen and I went on this trip. Our objectives are two fold: 1. Conduct a leadership seminar for about 30 leaders 2. See if there are any church planting opportunities in Cambodia. Pst Roger and his wife Deb We arrived in Siem Reap at about 3pm. Our host, Pst Roder was there to pick us up. I met Pst Roger and his wife Deb at the Hi Penang National Seminar in 2012. They are Filipino missionaries, serving the Lord in Cambodia. Our transport from the airport was a modified motorcycle with an attached carriage. A very unique experience indeed. That evening we had dinner at a road side stall. These stalls are a plenty in Siemreap, reminiscence of the yester years in Singspore. And the food was delicious and exceptionally reasoanable, $1:50 a disk. Reminded me of those days in the 70's of old Chong Pang Village, around Sultan Theater. Those were the days....Singaporeans go crazy in ...