Mission Trip to Orissa and NE India : 14-23 Feb 14 - Part 1 to Orissa

Praise God for a wonderful trip. It was a long and tiring journey but one that’s worth the while. We thank God for the many saints who kept us in prayer. Except for some minor disturbances, we had no major problems. The weather was good. God’s protection was felt throughout the trip. We experienced the mighty out-pouring of the Holy Spirit during our visit. 

This is the second mission trip for the year 2014. Jeya, Jonathan, and I went on this trip. Pst John Malcolm and Akshay Abraham from Hong Kong joined us. 

 The main objectives of the trip were as follows: 
  •  2 day Orissa/Charttisgarh Church planters seminar in Orissa
  • CP training centre graduation in Orissa
  • 2 gospel meetings in Orissa
  • 2 Day NE Church planters seminar in Jaigon
  • 3 church dedications in NE India
We visited a village, where PEC conducts a children’s program. Pst Anjan, PEC Coordinator for Orissa runs a tuition centre “PEC Jeeven Jhothy” in this village. About 30 kids benefit from this program. Kids are taught to read and write and at the same time introduced to the love of Jesus.  Jeya taught the kids a song and shared a story with them. We could see how the kids have learnt many of the Sunday School songs and how to pray. 

We had two days of gospel meetings. More than 500 people gathered for the meetings each night. We witnessed many miracles and salvations during the two nights of gospel meetings. People who were demon possessed were set free and many received healing. God moved powerfully during the two nights. We give all the glory to God.
10 church planters from Chhattisgarh and 30 from Orissa, attend the one day seminar. Pst John Malcolm, Pst John Signey and I took sessions with the CPs. I sat with the church planters and discussed on the progress of the work and the challengers they were facing in the field.

On 16 Feb in the morning, we conducted baptisms for 9 people in a river. These are people from the villages in Orissa. 
20 students graduated from the PEC Orissa CPs training centre. This is the only training centre in Rayagada. I shared the Word and encouraged the graduates to plant churches and fulfill their calling. The students shared how they have been blessed by the training and how they are going back to do what God wants them to do. Immediately after the graduation we had to make the 4 hr drive back to Vizag to catch a flight to Chennai.


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