Update from Mission Field.
Report from our NE Coordinator
from Samuel in Jesus Name.
Ministry in Sikkim, Lava , Assam and
Todey was done in a very
successful way. I thank you all for the continuous prayers support.

As you know that the journey to the Himalayan regions will not be as easy . The
roads will be very
slippery and many a times people
will hardly returned back after they left home.
Every turn on roads was great trouble. The
Rain water was flowing from The road like stream water. The roads were very
slippery. We hardly saw any vehicle travelling in our whole trip. People rarely
travel in monsoon.
reach Pakhyoung in the evening
and have fellowship with our
Believers who were waiting for
us. The next day Pastor Richen organized
a baptism program and 13 people took
water baptism in Ranipool river. After
Baptism we visited Linding, Rumtek , Lingdog and Back
to Pakhyoung 12 at midnight. We have no food
That day, it was
very busy schedule and the journey was
delayed by the Fogs.
On 12th July we visited Rabongla which in one of the Buddhist dominated
Place. Rabongla is know to be second Tibet by the Buddhist people. It is very
cold now also. We had to Travel 2100 M above the sea level. In Rabongla Christians are not allowed to build
any church buildings, so they worship the
Lord in a small room.
There are many places in India where Christian
are restricted to preach the Gospel. We covet
your prayers for such places so that the people may hear the Gospel and
know Jesus as their personal savior. From Rabongla,
we returned down to east and Travel
Through, Ranipool, Singtam, Majhitar,Rangphoo and Rhenock.
In Renock we had short break and left for
Lava to west Bengal. On way Back
we met Isaac, our brothers who was not
well. We prayed for him and The next
day 15th July , I went
direct from Lava to Assam and have time
with our brothers there.
In Assam I have been to Khas Busty,
Grahampur, Pothurdhubhi, Raimona and Nayagoan. The journey was very worst. As I reach Assam Bengal Border, The cobra
Groups called for a strike and we
needed to stay for hrs to
cross the Border of Assam and Bengal. The
weather was not suitable for travel.
Due to heavy rain the roads were flush away
and we travel in motorcycles. The journey
was painful. On way Back from Assam, I met Maratha and Esdor who are enduring
lot of hardship in the ministry fields.
The journey to Sikkim, Assam, Lava and todey
went well though it was very tiring.
But praise
God The Lord is at work
and That is only Joy of
serving HIM.
Thank you so much for all The Prayers supports given by you for
The whole trip .
I will be leaving for Nepal, Bhutan and Darjeeling on 1st
In the Whole trip, 13 people in
Sikkim, 2 in Assam and 5 in Todey
and total 20 People were given
water Baptism.
to HIM and HIM alone.
Rev Samuel Sharma
PEC NE Coordinator
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