Update from the field - Fasting and Prayer

Mail from Pst Nehemiah, AP Coordinator
Good Morning sir,
Greetings in Jesus name.
Sir, thanks for all your prayers for the special Fasting prayers of our PEC pastors

As I informed earlier in this month 5, 6 & 7th Mar,we had special fasting prayers for our Pastors. In these days 9 am to 4 PM we had time of prayer and meditation. On 6&7th Mar evening we had special Gospel meetings. Really every one encouraged and strengthened by the prayer and Word of God. Few of our Senior pastors and out side 3 other pastors also came and took few teaching classes. Specially studied Acts of Apostles 1 to 12 Chapters. 
We prayed for all the work of PEC in India and other parts of the World. As well as for all individuals & Mission board in Singapore.
Monday and Tuesday fasting prayers at Rampachodavaram Bible school. Rest of other pastors are going to come to this place. 

Thank you very much sir.

Bishop Nehemiah


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