Last trip for the year 2012
I arrived Singapore this morning at about 6.30AM. Dead tired but still rejoicing in the spirit. This trip was specially planned to celebrate Christmas with the boys at Shadrach Home and also for a special baptism service in Vizag.
On 5 Dec we had a special service for the boys. Bro Suresh from Trevendrum, an alumni of HI, and some brothers gave the boys a special treat. They sang Christmas carols, taught the boys new songs and also entertained them with games. The boys and also the helpers of the Home thoroughly enjoyed the session.
Later in the morning, I took a session with the students of the PEC Ecclesia Training Center. Some of our church planters also attended the session. I spoke on the importance of integrity as seen from the life of Daniel. I stressed on the perils that await God's servants and the importance of living a live of transparency before God and men. Later Bro Suresh also took a session and spoke on the importance of prayer. I praise God for Pst John Signey and his team of teachers and Home staff for the work their are doing for the Lord. We can see the results. Its amazing.

In the evening the boys in the Home put up a special Christmas program for the visitors and some guests. They displayed their talent, skills and has a great potential for the future. They led in worship and presented many items, including skits, songs and reciting of scriptures. After watching them, I was confident that these boys will be the future leaders of the nation and will take the gospel to the regions beyond.
On 7 Dec we flew into Vizag and had a special baptism service at Pst Joshua's church, one of PEC RAE Team Coordinators. About 60 people had gathered for the service. Most of our State Coordinators had also come for the meeting. We had a great service and the Spirit moved powerfully, delivering many from the bondage of satan. About 14 people took water baptism. It was a time of celebration.
On 7 Dec we flew into Vizag and had a special baptism service at Pst Joshua's church, one of PEC RAE Team Coordinators. About 60 people had gathered for the service. Most of our State Coordinators had also come for the meeting. We had a great service and the Spirit moved powerfully, delivering many from the bondage of satan. About 14 people took water baptism. It was a time of celebration.
Later that evening we went to a village in Vizag to have the Christmas Gospel meeting. More than 200 people had gathered for the meetings. We sang some Christmas carols and later shared the gospel message using the Christmas story. Many people gave their lives to the Lord. We had a blessed time. I lost my voice after the service but it was worth it. Many people came forward for prayer. The next day I was traveling to the airport, the driver, who was with us for the last two days, told me that he was so blessed by the message in gospel service and God had touched him. Praise God.
I truly praise God for the things He is doing through PEC Ministries in India. Many churches are being planted, many souls saved and many children blessed by the programs.This Christmas season, all our evangelism teams will be going from village to village sharing the good news of the birth of Jesus. Please keep them in prayer as this will be the best opportunity to share the gospel. All Glory to God.
I truly praise God for the things He is doing through PEC Ministries in India. Many churches are being planted, many souls saved and many children blessed by the programs.This Christmas season, all our evangelism teams will be going from village to village sharing the good news of the birth of Jesus. Please keep them in prayer as this will be the best opportunity to share the gospel. All Glory to God.
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