Standing in the Gap - A personal diary

This week I was unusually burdened to pray and intercede. I often wondered what it meant by the phrase "the burden of the Lord". I got a glimpse of it this week. It was so heavy that at one point I thought my heart would burst. I was woken early in the mornings, even before 5.00 AM with a  strong urge to intercede. My body was perspiring and the tears flowing. This must have been how Ezekiel,  Jeremiah and the rest felt when they carried the burden of the Lord. It continued throughout the day. I was burden to pray for the following:

  • Children of single parents. The struggles they must have been going through and the parents...what a journey for them. That God will mercifully stand in the gap for them.
  • Pastors who were struggling in their ministry, financially and spiritually. That God will supply their needs and strengthen their faith.
  • For those who have caused problems in the church. That God will mercifully forgive them and not bring any of the calamities upon their children. 
  • For missionaries who are facing persecution and struggles. That God will bring about a break through,
  • For  people who have been betrayed by their spouses. That God will graciously forgave and restore their families. 
As I continued in prayer, I realized that there was no more anger or a cry for God's judgement but for God's mercy and patience. "Lord spare them or I die", I heard myself saying. It was a sneak preview to the intercession of Moses.  Gethsemane was too lofty for me to grasp. Christ almost died praying. 

You don't know their pain until you have prayed in pain for them.

Ezekiel 22:30 "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none"


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