Suffering like a good soldier - Part 3

2 Tim 3:3-4 - Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.
Firstly we saw that a good solider endures sufferingSecondly Paul says that a good solder does not get entangled with the affairs of the world. And hence his principles and priorities are different.

Thirdly, his priority is to please his Commander-in-Chief. Paul says in 2 Cor 5:9-10But neither exile nor homecoming is the main thing. Cheerfully pleasing God is the main thing, and that's what we aim to do, regardless of our conditions (Message Bible). Having served in the military for more than 26 years, I know exactly what Paul is trying to say. A soldier does all that he can to just to win the favor of his boss.  The soldier who does not get along with his Commander, either gets a different posting or is forced to leave the service.

Paul encourages Timothy, his spiritual son, to follow him in suffering as a good solider, which also means that he does all that will please his Master and Commander, our Lord Jesus Christ. One of the things a soldier is trained to do is to obey without questioning. "Do first complaint later" is a maxim that rings in every military institution. Whether he likes it or not, the soldier always follows the orders of his commander. No questions asked. 

God has a purpose and plan for each one of us. It is therefore our duty to find out what that is and please Him by fulfilling it. 

A French Scientist best remembered for the invention of pasteurization, Louis Pasteur was a man of faith, who despite many obstacles, fulfilled God’s plan for his life. A devout Christian and Creationist, Pasteur caused quite a stir in the world of science when he opposed Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Pasteur was kind and unpretentious and wanted to help ordinary people. But beneath his gentle demeanor was a fearless and forthright man not afraid to defend his work or his faith. Controversy heightened when 19th century stiff-necked physicians resisted his forward thinking on germs and vaccination. Despite intense opposition, Pasteur mastered the art of walking through fires of controversy unscathed. He forged ahead and made groundbreaking discoveries in the cause and cure of diseases.

Pasteur’s hard work and determination paid off, and by age 35 he was known worldwide. His life was marked by both triumph and tragedy. Dark shadows of grief rested over him when three of his five children died of childhood diseases. Sad and overworked, he suffered a stroke that paralyzed his left side. At age 46 and the height of his career, it all seemed over for him. But, God’s plan went on, and He provided Pasteur the strength to fulfill it. Pasteur gradually regained partial use of his legs and speech. He pressed on and made some of his greatest achievements. He continued his work for over two decades, making breakthroughs in the cure of diseases and creating vaccinations that saved countless lives. Louis Pasteur contributed more to the saving of human lives than any Scientist in history.


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