If you want the real blessing, cut off the imitation

Genesis 21 -  Sent off Ishmael

Abraham's life was speckled with many painful moments. Many of those moments were his own doing. Like the times he lied to Pharaoh and Abimelek about Sarah. In Genesis 21, we read about another distressful situation created by Abraham and his wife. After the glorious and miraculous birth of Issac, Ishmael is now seen as a threat to Sarah and Issac. Ishmael in the first place was conceived as a result of the folly devised by Sarah and executed by Abraham. Initially Ishmael was seen as the substitute. Now Ishmael is seen as a thorn. The competition becomes so tense that Sarah now "instructs" Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away.

What is Abraham now to do? His heart is torn between three loves, Sarah, Ishmael and Issac. He very well knew that Issac is the son of promise and its through him the promise "that all the nations of the earth will be blessed." will be fulfilled.  Yet he is also responsible for Ishmael. If not for Sarah, he would have kept both but will that be the right thing to do?

The Lord comes to the picture and tells Abraham what he is supposed to do. Gen 21:12 - But God said to him, “Do not be so distressed about the boy and your slave woman. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.

It must have been a very difficult decision for Abraham but we read that the very next day, Abraham sent both Hagar and Ishmael away. Humanly speaking this may seen cruel, but when viewed from God's perspective that's the only right thing to do.

What are the lessons we can take from this passage?
  1. God's work can only be done by God's way and in God's time.     God promised Abraham and his wife a son but they could not wait, They thought it can be accomplished by a substitute. Wrong. The substitute is only an imitation. The real blessing will have to gotten by God's way and in God's time. We cannot hurry God. Neither can we use human or worldly ways to accomplish His purposes and plans. We must resist the temptation to do God's work in our own way. It may accomplish God's plans but it will result in misery and pain. Rebekkah tried to push her way into getting Jacob the blessing from Issac. Her objective was right but the manner in which she did was wrong. The end does not justify the means. Yes Jacob got the blessings but Rebekkah eventually died without seeing her son Jacob. What a tragedy. Even the high priests thought that they were doing God a favor by crying for his crucifixion.
  2. If we want the real blessings of God, we must be prepared to cut of the imitationIn Abraham's case, it means forgoing his own son, though it was from the servant. But he had to forgo the carnal ties, if the spiritual blessing is to be attained. It was painful but it would have to be done. Ishmael was an imitation and hence cannot be compared with the real. In our own lives, if we want to fully experience the blessings of God, we must be prepared to cut off those relationships that do not please God. We must be willing to cut off that sin that lurks in our backyard without anyone's notice. We must be willing to put off the pretense and the imitation and come humbly before the maker. We cannot live in the shadow of someone else blessings. We need to be the blessing ourselves. 
  3. To Abraham, obeying God was more important than anything, even his own flesh and blood.  God was his priority. He will do anything for God. No wonder the Bible calls him the "father of faith". In fact in Gen 22, we read how Abraham was even willing to offer his only son Issac on the alter, just because God demanded it. God was everything to him. 
  4. When we are prepared to obey God, He will take care of the consequences.   When Abraham obeyed God, God took care of the rest, including Ishmael. We read later how the Lord appeared to Hagar and promised to bless the seed of Ishmael. God was not cruel, He even reserved a great blessing for Ishmael. When we are willing to follow God at any cost, He takes care of the rest. All things will work out for good.
 What an amazing man. What a serious lesson in life. Do I obey God in every area of my life or are there still some rooms, which are out of bounds to Him. Obeying even when it hurts and hurts badly.

You have longed for sweet peace
And for favour to increase
U have earnestly, so fervently, oh oh you really prayed
Oh yes you have
But you cannot find rest
Nor be perfectly blessed
Until all on the alter, until it's laid

Is your all on the alter of sacrifice?
Is it laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
Now, you can only, you can only be blessed
And have peace and sweet rest
After you have yielded unto the Lord
Your body and your soul


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