Eight youths from Praise Evangelical church joined me and my wife on this trip to Andhra Pradesh. In all we covered more than 1800 km of travel over land, mostly by road and train. At this time of the year the weather is hot and the temperatures exceed 50 deg C. Our shoes melted under the scourging Indian summer. Some of the team members suffered heat stroke and dehydration. In some of the meetings we were drenched in our own perspiration. In some places we had to share our rooms with insects of all shapes and sizes so much so the youths refused to sleep in the night. There were many other challenges. For some of the youths, its the first time they seen a slum and the challenges that people face to have basic needs met. "I needed to go to a toilet urgently"... "Sorry no toilets here.....Go behind the bushes." It was a cultural shock to some. But in spite of the many challenges and setbacks, we witnessed the goodness of God and His faithfulness on this trip.

On Saturday, 26 May, the youths conducted a children's program for the kids in the Mudfort slum. We can see the joy on the faces of those kids as they sand and listen to the stories. As we walked in the slum, our youths were appalled by the living conditions in the slum and could hardly believe how people can live in such conditions. Many of them were visibly moved. There's much work that needs to be done in the city. Earlier in the day we conducted a meetings with some of our church planters and pastors.

On Sunday the youths participated in a youth service with the youths from Rasoolpura Church, Secunderbad after the morning service. Pst John Signey from Chennai was the guest speaker in the morning service.. Although the youths conducted the Youth service, there was much learning for them as well.

We had two graduation ceremony. One was at Kurnool, where church planters from three centers came together for the graduation. However due to a "strike" in the state, some of them could not make it as no buses were available. Nevertheless we had a great time with 27 graduands. The other graduation was held in Ramachodavaram, about 70km from Rajamondry. 12 church planters graduated from this center, mainly geared for reaching people in the tribal regions of AP. It was indeed a joy to see so many young people committing their lives to serve the Lord in church planting. To me it was a vision becoming a reality.

In one town called Pidugurala, we conducted a gospel meeting in an open ground. More than 500 people attended the meeting which ended close to midnight. At one point some Hindus came and created a commotion, wanting to stop the meeting. Many of the local believers went towards them and started to pray for them with lifted hands and strangely the agitators left quietly. It was the Lords doing. Many people came forward for prayer.

We dedicated four new church building, all of them in remote villages. It was heartening to see the labor of our church planters. Many of them have made great sacrifices to pioneer these work.
We thank God for His faithfulness. We thank all our sponsors and all those who have prayed for us in this challenging but worthy trip. All Glory to God.
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