Mission Trip to Tamil Nadu 9-15 Apr 12
The next day we had a half-day seminar for our Tamil Nadu church planters. We were also able to observe the daily activities at the Shadrach Home. We were pleased to see the way the boys are being trained.
On 12 Apr, we arrived in Krishnagirir after an overnight travel by bus. In the evening we traveled another two hours for our first church dedication in Tamil Nadu. It was an emotional moment for me. I could not hold back my tears. After one year of labor, we are able to put up a building for the believers. God is indeed blessing the work of our hands. Almost 100 people gathered for the dedication and we invited the villagers to come for this occasion. I shared the gospel and many accepted Jesus as their Lord.
On 13 Apr, we visited some of our church planters in Velepuram.They are working in very difficult conditions. God is good and the work is progressing. We conducted an open air meeting in a village in the evening. Many gave their lives to Christ. After the meeting we traveled about three hours by road back to Chennai.
On 14 Apr, we went for an house dedication function in the outskirts of Chennai. Again many neighbors came to attend the occasion and it was a good opportunity to witness for Christ. We prayed for some to receive Christ.
We returned to Singapore tired but with no regrets. Praise God for His protection and His blessings. We are indeed grateful to the Lord for giving us this opportunity to serve in His vineyard. There's more to be done.
On 12 Apr, we arrived in Krishnagirir after an overnight travel by bus. In the evening we traveled another two hours for our first church dedication in Tamil Nadu. It was an emotional moment for me. I could not hold back my tears. After one year of labor, we are able to put up a building for the believers. God is indeed blessing the work of our hands. Almost 100 people gathered for the dedication and we invited the villagers to come for this occasion. I shared the gospel and many accepted Jesus as their Lord.
We returned to Singapore tired but with no regrets. Praise God for His protection and His blessings. We are indeed grateful to the Lord for giving us this opportunity to serve in His vineyard. There's more to be done.
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