PEC School of Ministry in Jaigon, Bhutan Border.
Jer 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Pastor Aow from His Arrow Church, an Haggai Institute International Faculty and I went on this trip. We departed on 12 Feb evening and arrived our destination on 13 Feb at about 9.00pm. Pst Samuel Sharma, our Coordinator for the NE Region received us at Bagdogra Airport. The road journey from Bagdogra to the Bhutan border was about 4 hours and was quite challenging as we had to travel on bumpy roads along the journey.

It was indeed our joy to see the completion of the second floor. Pst Aow dedicated the building for the Glory of God. The class hall and the dormitories are housed on the second floor. We thank God for our sponsor in Spore who gave sacrificially for the construction of the second floor.

From 14-16 Feb, we conducted a 3 days seminar for PEC supported church planters, PEC affiliated pastors and the 15 student who are studying at the PEC School of Ministry. About 65 participants attended the seminar.

Pastor Aow took the morning sessions on "How to Disciple new converts" and on "Power Evangelism." I took the afternoon sessions and taught on The Heart of the Leader and the Urgency for Evangelism. I was able to talk to our church planters and heard their challengers and needs. In spite of the many difficulties they are serving the Lord with great passion and unity.

The participants testified that they were enriched, challenged and motivated to serve the Lord and that they had learnt many new lessons from the sessions.
We have three good students from Nepal who come from some remote areas in Nepal. God willing we may want to start some church planting in these remote parts of Nepal.

In the evenings we visited a some nearby churches. On 14 Feb, we drove about 30km to a village in Mendabari, Jalpaiguri District, W Bengal. We met Bro Satyendra, one of my participants in 2011 in Maui. He and a more than 150 leaders and member's had gathered for an evening meeting. We shared the Word and had wonderful fellowship. We were greatly encouraged to hear about the work Bro Satyendara and his group are doing in the North East region, planting churches in many states and nearby countries.

On 15 Feb, afternoon, we conducted a healing rally in an open ground in a village in Rhorganda Salavi, Cochibihir Dist. It was about 2 hrs drive from Jaigon. More than 200 people had gathered for the meeting. We preached and prayed for the sick. Many came forward to testify how God had healed them instantaneously.
On 16 Feb evening, we met in Pst Daniel's church,. Pst Daniel is the administrator of our Training Center in Jaigon. We had a wonderful meeting that night.
I returned to Spore on 18 Feb, while Pst Aow continued his journey to Mumbai to conduct a seminar there.
Thanks to all who prayed for us. We were indeed blessed to hear of the great things God is doing through PEC church planters.
Healing meting at an open ground.Many people testified that they has been healed. Praise God

Pst Aow, speaking at Pst Daniel's church in Jaigon. We are indeed thankful to the Lord for people of God like Pst Samuel Sharma, his wife Jennimah, Pst Daniel, Pst Issac with whom we can partner to extend God's kingdom to the remote places in NE India and Bhutan. They have indeed worked very hard to train and supervise the PEC church planters and have sacrificially to the Lord's work.

Pst Satyendra and Rama at the church leaders meeting. What a joy to meet people with such a passion for the Lord and for the lost.
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