On 3rd Jan, PEC workers, led by Bishop Nehemiah provided basic provisions to about 80 families who were affected by the cyclone and the fire in Uppada, about 21km from Kakinada, AP. The provisions included blankets, rice, oil, and other basic effects. A minister from the AP government was at site and he witnessed the assistance rendered by PEC to the victims.

Our PEC workers witnessed first hand the devastation caused by the cyclone. A church in the village and many huts were destroyed. Most of them members of the church. Through this relief aid, many families were blessed and they were able to experience the love of God. Lets pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the hearts of these people and they will acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

The local pastor and members have asked if we could help to rebuilt the church for them. God willing, we will do that.
Our heartfelt thanks to the sponsor in Spore, whose passion for the Lord and the lost, has enabled us to touch thousands for the kingdom of God.
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