Trip to East Nepal and Jaijon, 4-9 Apr
Thank you for all your prayers. On 5 Apr we visited the Bhutanese Refugee camp in East Nepal. I was appalled to see the destruction caused by the fire which destroyed more than 200 homes in the camp. More than 5000 Bhutanese refugees live in this camp. Most of the homes are make shift tents with hardly a space to call home. The refugees live on basic amenities. At about 6.30 PM we conducted a meeting in which more than 300 people attended in a cramped room with intermittent electricity. We used torch lights as I shared the gospel message. Many people accepted Christ. We distributed some relief aid and coordinated with some local pastors to do the follow-up.
At the Bhutan border, we conducted one day seminar on Evangelism and Leadership and on 7 Apr we witnessed the graduation of 13 new students who will be going out as church planters. Praise God.
God is doing an amazing work.We need to flow in the move of God. Don't be left behind.
Team included:
Pst K Steven
Babu Isaac
Sis Evelyn Tan
PSt Nehemiah from Hyderabad
Satyendra from Haggai Alumni, recent batch M0211
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