Pst John Daniel and I had a fruitful trip to the Bhutan Border. 29 participants from Assam, Sikkim, West Bengal and Bhutan participated in the 2 months Leadership and Evangelism Program, conducted at PEC School of Ministry. Pst John Daniel taught on the subject of Marketplace Evangelism while I shared on Leadership Principles. The participants were engaged in the sessions and many testified how their lives has been transformed as a result of this training.

Pst John Daniel teaching on the subject of Marketplace Evangelism. Helping in the translation is Pst Satish from Delhi. Pst Satish is a fine brother with a great passion for the Nepali Diaspora.

The graduation took place on the morning of 20 Oct and was well attended by the local christian community. The MLA of that area was also present at the ceremony. The participants put up a dance and rendered a song. It was tears after the graduation as these participants had to say goodbye after being together for two months. It was a joy to see the participants challenged and passionate about the Great Commission. God willing these men and women, most of them in their 20s, will go back to their villages as church planters.

We thank God for Rev Samuel Sharma (an alumni of Haggai Institute) and his team of workers who worked tirelessly to run the school.
Thanks to all who remembered us in prayer and supported us in kind. All Glory to God.
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