Strides in maturity

Philippians 1:9-11

The christian life is dynamic, moving from strength to strength, from glory to glory. There's no such thing as "having arrived" in the christian walk in this earth. Stagnation marks the beginning of the "maintenance mode of operation" or lukewarmness.

In his prayer for the church at Philippi, Paul focus on three important areas for growth. First he prayed that their love may abound more and more in all knowledge and judgement. The NIV reads as knowledge and depth of insight. It speaks of a growing relationship with God. That our love for Him will grow more and more on a daily basis. This is fundamental. As long as there is no growing relationship with God, we can be sure that our christian life is going to be a routine and a failure. More importantly the love must grow in the knowledge of the heart of God which if one has a clear understanding, will result in absolute worship. The word knowledge here implies experience. The more experience the love of God and the insights of His attributes, the more readily we will worship Him and surrender ourselves to His bidding. There is no limit to knowing God. "The whole purpose of man is to know ,serve and love God and enjoy him for ever".

Secondly Paul prayed that they discern what is best. Knowing what is God's specific purpose for one's life. There are many good things that we want to do but what is that one thing God wants us to do for His kingdom and Glory. Two things are going to decide our rewards at judgement day. First have we confirmed to the image of His son and second have we fulfilled the purpose God has for us. Question is, do we really know what is God's purpose for our lives? The answer can only be obtained when one "is still in God's presence" and hears the still small voice.

Thirdly, Paul's prayed that they may be pure and blameless. Pure as in the integrity of the heart. There is nothing to intercept my relationship with God. I stand with clear conscience in His presence. Psalms 78:72 - David sheepherd-er the people of Israel with the integrity of his heart. No wonder he was known as the man after God's own heart. Is my life pure or do I have some skeletons in my closet? Blameless as in one standing before men. The KJV uses the word sincere which comes from the Greek word eilikrines which means found pure when unfolded and examined by the sun light. Paul prayed that the church will be found pure when subjected to the the scrutiny of the society. In John 8:46 Jesus asked, "Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?" His life was above board, beyond reproach. My life should be like that of Job...the devil could not point an accusing finger at him. Paul prayed that their lives will be exemplary and a testimony. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" Mathew 5:16.

What is the entirety of this prayer? That our lives will bear the fruit of righteousness which will bring glory and praise to God. At the end of the day, its not about us but GOD.


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