
I am redeemed - Ephesians 1:7 - In him we have redemption through his blood

Redemption is a central theme in the Bible.     From Genesis to Revelation, the concept of redemption reflects God’s unwavering love, grace, and desire to restore humanity to Himself.   The theme of redemption is intricately woven through Scripture, revealing God's relentless pursuit of humanity and His desire to restore us to a right relationship with Him. From the earliest promises in the Old Testament to the fulfilment in Christ and the future hope of restoration, redemption stands as a testament to God's love, grace, and faithfulness throughout the ages.   The story of  Hosea  in the Bible provides one of the most powerful illustrations of redemption. Through Hosea’s life and his relationship with his wife,  Gomer , God paints a vivid picture of His love, mercy, and redemption toward His people, Israel, and ultimately toward all humanity.   Hosea’s union with Gomer stands as a profound symbolic gesture, illustrating the spiritual infidelity of Israel, who relentlessly pursu

PEC Youth Seminar in Odisha

  Paise the Lord. With much peace, joy &  happiness  this evening we finished our 2 day program.  Today's total attendance was 83  .  At the end of the program & before the conclusion pray i announced an altar call saying, if anyone is willing to stand for God's ministry then please come forward  . To my surprise 17 boys and 18 girls , most of them were very young like 15, 16 & 17.  Thank you so much sir for your support & earnest prayer which enabled us to do this wonderful ministry to the youth .  Thanking you  Bishop Anjan  Odisha

Insights on leadership

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." — Psalm 143:10 This verse unveils timeless pearls of wisdom for leadership and management, both profound and eternal. Humility in the Pursuit of Knowledge:  The greatest leaders are those who recognize that the wellspring of wisdom is never exhausted. Psalm 143:10 beckons us to embrace a heart that is ever eager to be taught, for the art of leadership is woven in the humility to learn continuously. From the counsel of colleagues, the wisdom of mentors, and the whispers of life’s experiences, true growth emerges from the soil of teachability Graceful Receptivity to Divine Guidance:  Leaders bear the weight of shaping destinies and charting courses that steer teams and organizations toward their futures. A wise leader knows that guidance, whether drawn from the wells of human counsel or the boundless depths of divine insight, is the anchor that steadies their hand. In recognizing this need,

God of All Peoples - WILLIAM CAREY

When God places a call on a person's heart, it may come through the thunder's roar or in the stillness of the night, but His voice is unmistakable. William felt an increasing conviction that God was calling him to send Christian missionaries into a world desperate for hope. As he prayed while walking through the English countryside, the Lord reminded him of Isaiah 54. “Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense!   Your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth. For the Lord has called you back from your grief.” Isaiah 54:2,5-6 The Redeemer was not merely the God of England or Europe—He was  “the God of the whole earth.”  This truth stirred William Carey’s heart, igniting a passion to spread the Gospel globally. Inspired by the earlier missionary successes of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, Carey, during a meeting with a small group of Baptist pastors in Kettering, England, placed copies of the Moravian newsletter,  P

Progress in Singamundi tuition center, Odisha

This tuition centre in Singamundi  Village  in Rayagada  District, Odisha. It  is being run by a young church planter Akash and his wife. If you remember in one of my  reports  I mentioned about his life and how he was ostracised by his family because he became a Christian and they even tried to poison him. Last year Akash and his wife moved to this village to plant a church. After one year, the kids have started going to school and are progressing in their studies. A Sunday service is now being conducted in this village. This village had no christians before but now there is a new beginning.  I am  overwhelmed as  I pen this. Our labour is not in vain.  1 Cor 15:58 -  So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. We thank God for Akash and his wife and for his sponsor who have been faithful. May the Lord continue to bless this work and we will soon see a church build

Reflections on the Mission trip

  Our "last supper" with the team on the last night in Jaigaon. We were blessed to have Pst Abhiskek and Pst Arun with us on this trip. We shared many memories, the challenges on the road and in the hills. The churches and witnessing the power of God.  But we also saw the hand of the Lord. He was there with us all throughout the journey. His presence went before us, and behind us.  I love this particular refection by one of our team members and it summed up all: ·   “I was deeply moved by the dedication, perseverance, and sacrifice of the church planters and pastors in their efforts to reach the villagers. Despite having very little and facing opposition from local Hindus, the Christians in these villages continue to worship God wholeheartedly, demonstrating immense faith. Even the children's devotion was truly inspiring. Everywhere we went, they welcomed us warmly and treated us like royalty, displaying overwhelming humility and hospitality. They offered us their best, e

Graduation of the 17th Batch of PEC School of Ministry

We had the privilege of attending the 17th Graduation Ceremony for nine Church Planters, along with the ordination of eleven senior Church Planters as Reverends. The event was truly special, with over 100 guests and relatives gathered to witness this significant milestone. Despite being unwell, Sis. Jenima led the worship with remarkable grace, and the entire ceremony was immersed in the palpable presence of God. The proceedings were conducted with exceptional order and professionalism, reflecting the significance of the occasion. As I sat there, I couldn’t help but marvel at how swiftly 18 years have passed since we first began this journey here. It has been incredible to witness the mighty hand of the Lord at work, and it is clear that His ministry here continues to grow and flourish in ways we could not have imagined. We give all glory to God for His faithfulness and look forward to what He will continue to do through these newly graduated and ordained servants of the Lord.