Nepali CP monthly meeting


This evening, we gathered for our monthly meeting, which was a time of encouragement, prayer, and updates from the mission field. Pastor Amrit opened the meeting with prayer, after which I shared from 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 on the theme “Living Epistles.” Eleven church planters (CPs) attended, and it was a joy to reflect on how God is using them to spread the Gospel.

Following the Word, we shared prayer requests and testimonies. It was deeply encouraging to hear how God is at work in the mission field, even amid many challenges. Pastor Prem highlighted the urgent need for church buildings in remote areas where CPs are ministering, emphasising the importance of having dedicated places for worship and discipleship.

Dr. Mike Ong provided an update on the availability of mini radio sets containing the entire Bible in audio format. These devices, sponsored by Faith Comes By Hearing, have been especially valuable in persecuted areas, where access to the Word of God is often restricted.

We praise God for the collective effort of various mission organizations working together to reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel. May the Lord continue to strengthen and provide for His workers as they labor in His harvest field.

To God be the glory.


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