Blessed trip to Berastagi, Medan
Penning this journal at the departure lounge at Kuala Namu Airport, Medan. I am indeed thankful to the Lord for this trip. I was refreshed both physically and spiritually.
It was indeed a joy to be back at Mt Zion. Bishop Ezra and his wife Pst Janice were really kind to me. The hospitality shown was par excellence. Good food and great fellowship. Also had the opportunity to get aquatinted with both their sons.
Its always refreshing to view the sunrise from the top of Mt Zion, although it was cloudy.
It was very vibrant and well organised. I think churches in Singapore should come here to see and learn how things ought to be done and to witness the move of Holy Spirit. The service was about 3.5 hrs long but no one was complaining. When God's Spirit moves, we just need to bow down and surrender.
I spoke on the theme - Future Fulfilment and Hope. It was well received and praise God many responded to the alter call.
On Sunday I had the opportunity to speak at the two mains services and I spoke on the "Wise men - Call to worship". Again we witnessed the move of the Holy Spirit. The first service was supposed to finish by 0945 hrs but it ended at 1030 hrs. Everyone was on their knees and worshipping the Lord. A scene I haven't seen in a long time.
Later in the evening I attended the Mandarin service in Mt Zion. It was a beautiful time of celebration and remembering the faithfulness of God.
Yesterday afternoon Bishop Ezra and I took a walk down the wet market in Berastagi. The girl behind me is about 30 yrs old. She has a daughter but her husband left her. When we invited her to church she said, If I come to church who is going to feed my daughter “. She had to work everyday, just to make ends meet. I was sadden to hear that and there are many cases like this in Berastagi. Many single parents with very young children. Thank God this church is doing an outreach for these people.
I also visited the school and Bishop Ezra informed me of the need to built of the 4th floor so that it could be used to conduct services and also house administration offices. It will cost about S$30,000.
Visit to Berastagi is never complete if you don't have durians, by the road side. Bro Petrus always hosts us for this simple but special delights.
This weekend I reminded the people that the angels announced Joy and Peace to the earth on the first Christmas Day and this for all people. We have a great responsibility to bring this peace and joy to those who have yet to taste the goodness of our Lord and saviour.
For the lord is good and His mercy endure forever.. Thanks for the ministries in Berastagi Indonesia