2 Corinthians 4:7 - ....Fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.....

I was intrigued this morning when I saw a Facebook post that read like this: (taken from a hindu source). "People are taught from childhood that they are weak and sinners. Teach each them that they are all glorious children of immortality, even those who are the weakest in manifestation. Let positive, strong, helpful thought enter into their brains from very childhood. Lay yourselves open to these thoughts, and not to weakening and paralyzing ones." Hindu philosophy proliferates the thought that everything is part of God ( pantheism) and hence everything is by nature "good". And the outflow of this thought is that of positive thinking as assembled in the above dictum by a well known hindu philosopher. Strangely many prosperity gospel preachers have also embrace the idea of "positive thinking" based on one's own will and assertions and achievements. In fact Hinduism and all other related ideologies proliferate this ...