Heaven rejoices - Baptisms in Odisha

Over the last two days, Bishop Anjan and his team have been conducting baptism services in two different remote villages in Odisha. 

A total of 23 baptism were recorded. What a joy to see the expansion of the kingdom of God. The gates hell cannot prevail against the church of God.

I am happening the following note from Bishop Anjan and you see the passion of these men.

"Thank you very much sir for always praying and continuously supporting us . We really praise God for PRAISE EVANGELICAL CHURCH and very special thanks to you dear Ramachandran sir for your love and care .  Please uphold us in your prayers . Still there are hundreds of unreached villages , we try our level best to reach those areas by any means . May God help us and meet all our needs to do this .

Thank you sir"

My heart overflows with gratitude. I am reminded of the words of Jesus...Matthew 24:14 -
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations...... 


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