Trip to India 19-29 May

Bro Reuben and myself went on this trip to see how our CPs were doing, especially in Tamil Nadu and Bihar. We also went to attend the graduation of CPS in Hyderabad. Our journey crossed crossed from the south to the North of India. We were in Chennai, Coimbatore, Kolkata, Patna and Hyderabad. The hot summer weather was cruel, hitting above 40deg C in some places. We praise God for His protection and guidance all along our trip. We arrived Chennai on 19 May. It was my birthday. The immigration officer recognised it and asked me for a "chocolate" . I would have certainly loved to be at home with my family on this special day. But the demands of calling made me postpone by comforts for the comforts of those who work hard in the field. Probably may will not understand. I don't blame any. Family should come first, I fully agree. But sacrifices are the birthmarks of any spiritual commitment. I rather please my Master and be a fool to the world than please the...