Watch Night service 2015
It was New Year's Eve. This year has come to an end so swiftly. Once again it was time to recount God's blessing and take a stock of our investment in God's kingdom.
I had the privilege to take the church through 2014, to see the ups and downs in the world, in PEC and in our own individual lives.
We all know that the world has gone from bad to worse. Moral standards have even been worse. Crime and terrorism on the peck so far. Persecution against Christians is ever rising. All this point to one important fact that Jesus is indeed coming back very soon. We really do not have time. Its about time the church of God takes the Great Commission seriously, and reach as many people as possible for the kingdom.
PEC is moving slowly amidst its many challenges. We need to be united and committed to fulfil God's purpose. There is synergy in teamwork and in the final analysis men's endeavours will fail, We msut find the balance between the Spirit and the Word. God's mind will be established. Ravi Zacharias said, "Those who are humble, God will exalt and those who are arrogant, Go will know how to break". We just need to be still and do what God wants us to do.
We did pretty well in missions:
2. 23 evangelism teams in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana conducted 2751 outreach programs
3. 558 new works have been started in 2014.
4. 1560 people were baptised by our workers
5. Supported 7 training centres which trained 127 church planters
6. Built and dedicated 10 new church buildings. Total number : 81
7. One humanitarian effort for Iraqi Christians who were persecuted.
In my own life, 2014 has been one notch higher. God never ceases to amaze me. There is no need for competition. New arenas, new levels in ministry and new challengers. Experienced His favour like never before. Lessons relearn:
- Live with humility
- Realise we are here because of Him and for Him.
- We don't have to defend God or ourselves, its His job.
God has proved that He is no debtor. He meets our needs in ways unimaginable. He deserves all the Glory and Praise
I praise God for my family and for like minded men of God who have helped, encouraged and partnered in our calling. All set for 2015.
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