Return from Maui

I returned home this morning. It was a privilege to facilitate BME for 60 participants from 31 countries in HI. Truly "God was in this place". I was particularly impressed to see Christians, well placed in  society and men in full time ministry, seeking God with such humility and passion. The atmosphere was one hunger for God and His presence was so real in the sessions. Men wept when challenged with the commission given by our Lord.

I believe the men were impacted by the sessions and am thankful to God for the opportunity. It was also a time to meet old friends and men with like passion, sold out for God. The volunteers are truly gems in the kingdom, serving God with a servant heart. Prof Arthur and the team are indeed a blessing. 

Not forgetting the "rocky road" experience with Larry and Dorothy Friesen.  Raffy and Pinky treated me and Ruel to a special  "Starbucks outing". And of course Prof Arthur, as always, served us over the weekend with love, humility and good food. True diamonds in the Kingdom.

The great commission will become the great omission if those entrusted with the commission fail in its discharge. 

 "Make disciples of all nations: - Jesus


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