Shadrach Home visit on 22 Jul 13

SHADRACH HOME My wife and I visited to the Home on 22 Jul 13. The purpose of the visit was to do an audit and to see the progress of the Home. It was a joy to see all the 24 boys again. They are really growing up fast. We had a long fruitful discussion with Pst John Signey, the warden and his wife.We looked at the various aspects of runnign the home and proposed some changes so that the Home can be managed better and efficiently. Our biggest constrain is funds and we are praying for like minded partners to join us. The facilities in the Home are quite to our satisfaction. The warden and his wife and young and enegetic, rearing to serve the Lord in the Home. Its not easy to run a Home like this. We praise God fir dedicated people like Pst John Signey and his family, for all the hard work they have put in becasue of the ministry.