Mission Trip to AP and NE India (31 May-9 Jun 13) - Part 1

- Pst John Daniel ( for AP only)
- Rama and Jeya
- James and Marilyn
- Jacqueline John
- Melissa Mahesh
- Michelle Mahesh
- Jennifer Mecika
- Angel Ruben
The main objective was to expose PEC youths to missions and make them see how immense the harvest field is. The other objectives of the trip were as follows:
- Graduation of chuch planters in AP and Jaigon
- Church dedication in Anathapur
- Visit Mudforr slum
- Morning service in Rasoolpura
- Visit church planters in West Bengal and Assam
- Yout meeting in Jaigon
We departed Singapore on 31 May. Friends and family were at the airport to send off the team . We arrived Hyderabad at about 00.30AM on 1Jun. Pst Nehemiah was at the airport to receive us. From the airport we went Bro Mohan's home. Bro Mohan and his family had graciously opened their home for our stay in Hyderabad. By the time we arrived it was 01.30AM.
Bro Mohan and his family were excellent hosts and we truly witnessed the "heart of serving like Jesus" in their home. Our stay in their home taught us many lessons in humility and good stewardship.
On 1 Jun we had our pastors/church planters meeting in Rasoolpura. About 120 people attended the meeting. Pst John Daniel shared the Word. Later in the morning we had the combined graduation of 32 graduates from the three training centers in AP. We praise God for all the opportunity to train and equip church planters with skills to reach the unreached for Christ.
Visit to Mudford Slum
On 1 Jun we had our pastors/church planters meeting in Rasoolpura. About 120 people attended the meeting. Pst John Daniel shared the Word. Later in the morning we had the combined graduation of 32 graduates from the three training centers in AP. We praise God for all the opportunity to train and equip church planters with skills to reach the unreached for Christ.
Visit to Mudford Slum
That evening we
visited the slum at the outskirts of the city. About 150 families live in the
slum that does not have electricity. There is only one water source to service
the entire slum. Our youths were appalled to see the living conditions in the
slum and were indeed thankful for all God has provided them.
No Christian work is done in the village.
We rounded about 60 children and our youths did a children’s program. PEC runs
a day care centre in this slum and we have hired two teachers to run the
program. In addition we support some of the kid’s education in government
schools. Through these means we share the love of Jesus to the kids and their
and youth service in Rasoolpura
On 2 Jun we attended the morning service at
Rasoolpura. The worship was vibrant and the Spirit of God moved powerfully in
the service. Pst John Daniel shared the Word.
the PEC youths conducted a youth service in the evening. About 30 youths
attended the service and they had a great time. Jacqueline shared a timely
message. It was indeed a blessing to see our youths engaging the others for
Church Dedication at Anathapur
We left Hyderabad on 3rd Jun at 6.00AM and arrived at our destination at about 12.00 noon . It was a long drive but the roads were quite good,
except for some corrugated lanes along the way. Pst Samuel, who has been
trained in our Kurnool GCTC has been working in this place in a village called
Tadipatri. Almost two hundred people had gathered for the church dedication.
The building was sponsored by Bro James and his wife. It was heart warming to
see the joy on the faces of the people. They had waited a long time to have
their own good building. We are indeed grateful to Bro James and his wife for their
generosity and love for the work in the mission field.
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