Devotion - Leaders, Keep the focus

Luke 9: 51 - As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. 

One of the pitfalls in life and Christian ministry is to lose focus of what we are supposed to do. Its also the tactic of the devil to see that a christian loses his focus so as to derail him from the vision and mission God has given to him or even to dilute his service. Instead of producing results that match his capacity, the output does not meet targets or fails quality inspection. The distractions can come in many forms, like: getting involved in too many "christian activities", too many blessings, opposition, persecution or discouragement. Especially when we are involved with too many ministries, our service becomes diluted and focus blurred.  But because the ministry keeps going, we tend to live in a mirage, thinking God is pleased and we are doing great. Unfortunately its the deception of the devil and we have missed the mark.

Jesus always kept his focus. He never lost sight of his vision and mission. He knew exactly what he needs to do and how and when to do it. There were many attempts by his disciples and the religious leaders to derail his focus but the Lord was steadfast. Then above verse gives three reasons how Jesus kept His focus.
  • Scarcity of time.   As the time approached. Jesus knew that His time on earth was short. He cannot afford to lose His focus. Hence He set to what what He was called to do. Our time on earth is also limited. In fact for some its much shorter than we think. Have we started working on God's mission and plans for our lives or are we still waiting for "the right time". The right time is NOW. For some there is really a need to prioritize what needs to be done and what can wait or what can be given to others to do. We need a CEO's mindset. Do what you are supposed to do and do it well. Delegate and supervise the rest.
  • Accountability.   It was almost time for Him to be taken up to heaven and meet the Father. Yes its a time of great rejoicing but it's also a time to be accountable to what has been committed. 2 Cor 5:10 - For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each may receive what is due to him for the things done while in the body.  That kept Jesus on focus.  Hence I need to ensure that what has been assigned to me has been properly invested  and due interests earned (Parable of the talents, Mat 24:14-30). Am I on the way to fulfilling my vision and mission?
  • Purpose.   Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem  because that was the purpose for which He came to this world. Every thing else was secondary. Even the pain and agony of Gethsemane did not stop our Lord in keeping his focus in fulfilling His purpose. He went all the way to fulfill it. Knowing our purpose will help us keep the focus on what needs to be done.
Questions we need to answer:
  • What is my purpose?
  • Is there a vision and mission for me?
  • Have I lost focus?
  • Do I need to streamline and prioritize? 


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