Joseph - Parents' abode, Pit, Potiphar's House, Prison and the Palace - Part 1

Its only after going through the furnace the gold is in its finest brilliance. In like manner he, whom the Lord intends for extraordinary pursuits, often goes through the refinery, before being brought to the war-front. This is more of a rule than an exception. The Lord equips those He calls, and in equipping, He molds his servant to be a vessel fit for the master's use. Moses was stripped of all his pride and glory for forty years in the wilderness before he became the Commander-in -Chief. So did Daniel, Elijah and the others. Even Paul was taken away for three years , before Barnabas brought him to the lime-light as the Apostle to the Gentiles. God cannot use a man who is self-righteous, proud and legalistic. That is why most of the wars fought by the children of Israel were not won, not by military might of superior weapon,s but by the mighty power of the Lord. Imagine: Samson destroyed 1000 Philistines with the jaw of an ass David killed Goliath with one stone Jonathan d...