Suffering like a good soldier - Part 2

2 Tim 3:3-4 - Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Firstly we saw that a good solider endures suffering . Secondly Paul says that a good solder does not get entangled with the affairs of the world. If you would have observed , in most countries, the soldier's physical, social and medial needs are usually taken care of by the state. His housing, his food and even his future is taken care by the government. This is because the soldier's duty to defend his country in times of war, requires absolute commitment and dedication. He has to be fully prepared and always ready. His life is also uncertain and can be killed in war. That was a reality in Paul's days. The soldier cannot be distracted by other things in life and hence the government takes care of all (or at least most) of his personal needs. ...