Another PEC pastor attacked - We need to pray
The following report from our field coordinator, Bishop Nehemiah:
Our Praise Evangelical Church (PEC) Pastor and RAE Mahaboobnagar District Coordinator, Pst. Sudhaker, was attacked last night by a "religious militant group." He was on the way to our pastors meeting at Hyderabad. On the way he stopped at one of his church believer's house in Nalgonda for the cottage meeting. While they were having a prayer meeting around 7:30PM, about 10 to 12 people from the "religious militant group" suddenly came and attacked our members. They beat up our pastor and the believers' family members. Some of them were admitted in the local hospital. No major injuries. Please pray sir.
Bishop Nehemiah
Respected sir.

This is 3rd attack on PEC pastors.
Thank you very much Sir...
Bishop Nehemiah
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