Praise God. Yesterday and today our leaders baptized a total of 22 people from the villages in Rayagada District in Orissa. More to come. The following is a report submitted on the trip by Bishop Nehemiah.
"Greetings in Jesus name..
Thanks for all your prayers. On 26th & 27th we had meetings in the Rayagada district in Orissa. One of our church planter called Pastor Phulkar is working in Rambu village. Afternoon we had meeting with 60 people. Some of the non Christians also came for this meeting. We shared the Gospel of Jesus Chris/ After the meeting 9 people took the baptism.

Next day on 27th morning we started from Pastor Anjan's house. 4 hours travel on hills and rough roads to this village name called "Kennadi". Our church planter Mohan is working in this village. Nearly 80 people attended the meeting. Pst Gopi and Pst Ratnababu shared their testimonies and I shared the Salvation message. After the meeting we have given 13 baptisms, total 22 baptisms in this trip. All of them are tribal people in the persecuted state of Orissa. Our church planters are working very hard in the remote villages. Our hearts were filled with joy to see their faith in the Lord.
Praise God.

Sir, thanks for all your prayers and sacrificial support in the missions. Really PEC is touching the lives of the people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thanks Sir.
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