I really want to thank all of you who remembered me in your prayers for this trip. It was challenging yet fulfilling. It was also a great privilege to meet Samuel, Jagdish and Alex, HI Alumni from M1004, in Chennai. I was thrilled to know how God is using each of these men for His glory.

On 2nd Sep, Pst John Signey, Samuel and myself traveled to three different villages in Thiruvannamali District, in Tamil Nadu where three of our church planters are reaching out to Sri Lankan refugees. In all we covered more than 400km. We left Chennai early in the morning and returned close to midnight. These church planters are working in remote areas and I was happy to see them reaching out to these neglected people. People have been coming for services and some have received the Lord.

There are about 13 such Sri Lankan refugee camps in this state. This is one of the group that meets in a home of a believer. Sam and I shared the word to encourage the believers and the church planters. In this camp there are more than 300 families, most of them don't know our Lord. It is very trying to work in these areas and our church planters are doing their best in the midst of many challenges. In some camps there are more than 600 families.

On 3rd Sep, we drove another 3 hrs to Villuppuram District, Tamil Nadu to see the work done by another three church planters in remote areas. This is Pst Thomas,together with his wife and two kids they have moved into this village to pioneer a work. He has just graduated from our training center in Mar 11. The "home" they have rented is only about 10 ft by 5 ft. It was really a shed fit for cows. I was moved to see their dedication and passion to reach these villagers who believe in spirits and witchcraft. This couple are really living by faith and do not receive any support. I wept when I recalled how we waste money and resources, while these church planters struggle from hand to mouth, just for the sake of the gospel and working in hard ground. We encouraged him and assured him of our help.

On Sunday, I spoke in Pst Nehemiah's church, Rasoolpura, Hyderabad and in the afternoon drove about 2 hrs to a village called Kamkole in Medek District, about 70 km from Hyderabad. We were supposed to dedicate this church but just last week, the building which was almost reaching completion was broken down by a religious sect. We were grieved yet we knew God is in control. The local papers carried the news and government officials come forward to diffuse the fear of a riot. They have offered some compensation. I prayed with the believers. It started to rain,but they all remained in the rain, with tears in their eyes. The "gates of hell will not prevail against the church of God" and we will rebuilt this church for God's glory. Amen

I also visited the work in the slum in Mudfort, Hyderabad. About 30 children are benefiting from this program. A leader from that area said that they have seen vast improvement in the kids since we moved in. Through this tuition program we are also sharing the gospel to these kids. I shared a simple story and the gospel message to these kids. Many raised their hands to receive the Lord.

We conducted two days of "PEC Workers Seminar" in Hyderabad. About 60 of our church planters and pastors from all over Andhra Pradesh attended this seminar. Bro RajKumar (HI faculty), Pst John Signey and I shared the Word in the seminar. The theme was "Joy in the Ministry" and Bro Rajkumar was the main speaker. It was a real blessing to hear him expound the word. The participants were indeed blessed.

Finally I visited the Great Commission Training Center in Kurnool on 7th Sep. It was a joy to see the progress of the training. 11 students are undergoing training under the careful supervision of Pst Dhanaraj, the Principal of the School.
Praise God for all He is doing. We thank God for the many sponsors who are laboring together with us. More needs to be done and there are many areas to improve. I want to invite you to be part of this effort in reaching the villages for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mathew 9:37 - “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
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