The following is a report from our key-man in Orissa. We have 20 church planters in Orissa. Read and be blessed:
"Dear Sir,
Greetings in the name of Jesus.We are all fine here,hope the same with you.

Last week I visited a new village with some of our believers where we got an opportunity to share the gospel to all those non-Christians. The name of this village is (deleted intentionally) in RAYAGADA district,which is 75 kms from my hometown. This village is located inside a thick jungle, 7 kms from roadside.There is no road even for a bike to reach this village.To reach this village we walk through the jungle,crossing a river. this people had never heard of our Lord Jesus.They were so eager and excited to hear from us.

As we shared the gospel and prayed for them,they confessed their sin and completely accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal savior.An old lady of this village who is the main person also a witch,put her trust in Jesus when she heard the gospel from us. we are truly thankful to our almighty God who granted this great privilege to reach the unreached people. And I am also grateful to you specially for your help and prayers.There are still so many villages inside the deep forest where the gospel has not yet reached.
Therefore,dear sir it is my kind request you to please pray continuously so that the Lord will strengthen us to reach the unreached villages and plant at least 100 churches before 2014.
Thank you sir for your vision for the state Orrisa.May God richly bless you and fulfill all your dreams and visions. We pray for the training programme to be started here as soon as it is possible so that many young people will be trained for the gospel work. Greetings from all pastors."
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