1st fruits in Orissa

Pst John Signey, our Coordinator from Tamil Nadu and and Pst Gopi from Guntur went to visit our 10 church planters. They had two days of meetings 23-24 Nov. More than 700 people attended the meetings. In the words of Pst John Signey, "Many openly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with tears. Lord did many miracles. There was a great revival. People are hungry to hear the word of God. Harvest is plentiful in this mission fields. " About 18 p eople took the step of water baptism. Another 12 more were ready but decided to take it later. Another 10 young men are ready to come for one month training at PEC Ecclessia training center. Praise God for all the wonderful reports. God is doing amazing things out there in the mission field. Please continue to pray and support the church planting efforts. All Glory to God.