Shadrach Home - Casting the vision
Towards the end of last year a dear friend of mine, Doreen Lim, shared with me a passion that was developing in her heart. Doreen is a lawyer with Harry Elias and Partners. The desire is to raise a generation of God fearing children who will be totally sold out to God, just like the Hebrew children in the Book of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These men stood for the Lord in spite of all the fierce persecution.To this end we started to pray and the Lord put in our hearts the vision of raising an orphanage. We plan to take in 20 orphans and raise them under strict Godly environment. They will be under the tutelage of a God fearing couple and overseen by the principal of the Bible School. They will not go to any secular school but will be home schooled with emphasis on the scriptures. These will be our future missionaries especially to Europe or to the place the Lord will lead them.
In Jan this year I shared this vision with Pst John Signey when I visited him in Kanyakumari. He was totally in shock. He said that he has been wanting to share the same vision with me when I came to the school. In fact he has already identified a land near the school grounds and wanted me to pray and dedicate it for that purpose, without knowing what I was going to share. He was almost in tears. God works in such mysterious ways. I have know Pst John Signey personally for the last 4 years. A good man with a tender heart for the LORD. He will be personally responsible to see the running of this home. I am confident that this vision can take shape.
This is the plan. The building to house 20 kids and the guardians will cost about $20,000. By God's grace this sum can be raised. The challenge is to support the monthly expenses for the home which will come to 1,000 Singapore dollars or USD 750. This is a long term plan and need serious and committed people to pledge towards this course. If you can adopt a child with a monthly contribution of $50, we can put this vision on the right path. With the right people and with God's favour we can fulfill this vision.
I am asking you to pray and if the Lord leads you partner with us to adopt and support a child for $50 a month, do get in touch with me. You contribution will make a difference in the life of a boy who will challenge nations for Christ.

Land identified for the building of the Shadrach Home. Ideal location.
This is the plan. The building to house 20 kids and the guardians will cost about $20,000. By God's grace this sum can be raised. The challenge is to support the monthly expenses for the home which will come to 1,000 Singapore dollars or USD 750. This is a long term plan and need serious and committed people to pledge towards this course. If you can adopt a child with a monthly contribution of $50, we can put this vision on the right path. With the right people and with God's favour we can fulfill this vision.
I am asking you to pray and if the Lord leads you partner with us to adopt and support a child for $50 a month, do get in touch with me. You contribution will make a difference in the life of a boy who will challenge nations for Christ.

Land identified for the building of the Shadrach Home. Ideal location.
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