It was indeed a privilege to be there in Jaigon, at the Bhutan Border. Three sisters from Singapore, who have contributed to the work, joined me in this trip. We arrived at Bagdora Airport in West Bengal on 18th of Feb and travelled by road for another 5 hours to reach the Bhutan Border. A whole day of travelling was tiring.By God's grace a group of 18 participants underwent Leadership and Evangelism training for a period of one and a half month. I took Biblical Mandate and shared with the participants on the urgency of doing evangelism. Pst John Signey from Chennai and Bishop Nehemiah also joined me in the trip. Special thanks to KC Wong, Larry and Val Hunderby and others who helped sponsor the seminar. Some from the local churches donated , donations in kind, like rice, vegetables, oil etc. May God honour their contributions.
On Saturday, 20th Feb, a Ladies meeting was held in the afternoon in one of the local church and the sisters from the team shared their testimonies and the Word. We also visited the dairy farm project to view the cows.On
Sunday, 21st of Feb, I shared the Word at a local church and God moved in a special way in the meeting. In the evening we joined another fellowship at the training centre. Pst John Signey preached the Word. Many people came from the far corners of Bhutan to attend the meetings.
The graduation was held on 22nd of Feb. At least about 200 people gathered for the graduation. It was a joy to see the vision that was birthed in a coffee shop in S'pore coming to fruition. The students have committed themselves to the Great Commission. Spoke with many of them. They all commented that the training had equipped them with skills and the know-how to do evangelism.God willing we trust that many new home cells will start forming after these graduates return to their villages.We baptised three believers
in the ice cold river that flowed from the Himalayan mountains. It was indeed a joy to see the natives come to know Christ. The team was indeed blessed to see the progress of the work and the effect the training in the lives of these participants. Their investments in God's kingdom is indeed bearing fruits. We praise God for Pst Samuel Sharma and his wife, and others, whose tireless efforts were instrumental in the successful completion of the training. We pray that God will honour them and bless their two children. We thank God for all our sponsors who have given generously to this great cause.To God be the Glory
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