On 17 Oct. Pst Nehemiah and Pst Dhanaraj, distributed 50 packets (each contained 5 Kg Rice, a stain less steel plate, a stainless steel mug and a blanket. The distribution of these packets under the banner of PEC Singapore Flood Relief. Later distribution was done to to other affected areas. Pst Dhanaraj reported that according to the Govt reports the strength of floods this time was so high and in the history of the state 100 years never was a flood so severe. Some of the areas were washed out completely , with water levels at a depth of 15ft and most of the buildings completely submerged in the water. Pst Dhanaraj said,
Thanks to the whole PEC team from the bottom of our hearts for the way you have responded to the dreadful situation here in the Kurnool District".
The District Collector have requested that the NGOs to see that the children get the notebooks as the Govt is providing the text books. We did visit different parts of the town that is affected by the flood and found that in spite all many other needs this one is very big and important.Children have lost all their books. It is worthless even after drying them. So if PEC can help by providing a relief pack to the children in the schools (from class VI to Class X i.e,. just the high school students).
The Student Flood Relief Pack includes :6 Long Notebooks, 1 Geometry Box, 2 Pens, 2 Pencils, an Eraser and a Sharpener. We can do this by either taking the schools in the badly hit area or the school going children in that area (minimum of 500-1000). If you feel led to help in this area, please contact me.

Pst Nehemiah reported as follows: "I personally thank the PEC team of prayer partners and financial supporters for your helping hand at the time of disaster in Andhra Pradesh. As you all know, 5 districts in AP suffered severe damage, especially Kurnool, Nandyal, Alampur, Repally and other towns swamped in the water, It will takes months to come every thing for normal position.
PEC touched nearly 631 families by giving fine quality rice, utensils, blankets & clothes, 160 families benefited at Guntur district, 371 at Kurnool, other 100 families at Mahaboobnagar District. Really we saw the smiles on the faces of the people. Its a great help in the needy time. there are hundreds of people looking for the help. needs are high..most of them , lost every thing. so many needs are to be met. we have to do some thing more than this sir..please lift them up in your prayers.. and stretch your helping hands in this needy time. Please continue to pray for the work. With the help of local pastors, we successfully finished the distribution program. lots of response came for our program".
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