Father, Forgive Them

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." — Luke 23:34 One of the virtues I have struggled with recently is forgiveness . I am sure many of us have faced similar situations—times when someone we trusted betrayed us, spoke ill of us behind our backs, or committed an act so painful that it felt impossible to move on. How do you forgive when the wound is deep? How do you let go when your heart is filled with hurt, anger, and disappointment? When we are wronged, our natural response is often to hold on to the pain, seek justice, or even desire revenge. We tell ourselves that forgiveness means letting the offender go unpunished or excusing their actions. But the truth is, forgiveness is not about the other person—it is about our own hearts . In His greatest moment of suffering on the cross, Jesus did the unthinkable—He forgave. He had been beaten, mocked, and crucified by the very people He came to save. He had every right to call down judgment, ye...