
Showing posts from February, 2024

Philippians 1:1 - Part 3 - Privilege

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:“  Philippians 1:1 NIV In the  previous two devotions, I looked at the following thoughts in the first sentence in verse 1: Paul and Timothy - The Posture Servants - The Position There is one more thought that I see in the first sentence. Servants of Christ Jesus - The Privilege. While Paul reminds us that while intrinsically he was but a slave and a sinner condemned to death, the scale tilted to his favour, when he recognised whose he is and who he is in Christ.  The Apostle is not a servant of any ordinary person but the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.   The fact that he is a slave of Christ Jesus changes every thing about himself in the equation of guilt and sin.  He is no longer a sinner condemn to hell but now a saint saved by grace (Ephesians 2:1-2) Now that he ...

Philippians 1:1 - Part 2 - Position

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:“  Philippians 1:1 NIV I mentioned earlier that this verse speaks volumes about Paul’s character. By placing Timothy on the same footing as himself, he exudes the important virtue of humility. His  posture is the same as his coworkers and even his students. Secondly, his  Position . He calls himself a servant. This is mind blowing. This is the apostle who has taken the gospel to the then known world. There can be no other greater missionary than Paul himself in the Bible . He is second, only to our Lord. The number of churches he had planted, the amount of suffering for the sales of the gospel. Even the highest tiles given to the clergy these days would still fall short of all his accomplishment for the Kingdom. This is the man who has defended his faith before kings and brought the gospel to the gentile world. More than 2/3 of the New...

Philippians 1:1 - Part 1 - Posture

Written at 37,000 feet above sea level on SQ 324, somewhere over the Middle- East ……………………… ” Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:“Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV‬‬ The Apostle Paul’ introduction of himself to the church in Philippi speaks volumes about his character and his relationship with God.  First his posture of humility. Timothy was his disciple. Much younger to him in age. Less mature in his walk with the Lord.  Paul has seen more of life and ministry than young Timothy.  Yet Paul puts Timothy on the same level as himself. Surely Paul had all the reason and justification to put himself at least one notch above his his student. Yet the apostle purposefully puts himself on the same gradient. Paul was following the footsteps of his master. The Lord Jesus Himself had set the example. ”Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in hum...

Another historic moment - 1st batch graduation in Pakistan

Today we witnessed the graduation of the 1st batch of CPs trained in our CP Training Centre in Gujrat, Pakistan. Seven students graduated from this five months course.   This is a joint venture by PEC and the Great Commission Church. Pst Ashraf is the Senior Pastor of this church and he was a participant of the Haggai Leaders' Experience in Port Dickson in Jun last year. It was the Lord's leading that brought us together to start this training program in Pakistan.  Most of the training was done by zoom, with local faculty supplementing the regular subjects. But it was not easy. There were many challenges but the Lord saw us through. I am specially impressed by the faith of Pst Ashraf, who was steadfast in His believe in God. He is a man of faith and great humility and a reckless passion for the ministry. Brother Leandro from Brazil gave a very inspiring message for the graduates. Bro Leandro has spent m...

New work in a village in Odisha

Dear sir This is Bondli village. Children from 2 different villages attending our tuition centre at Bondli .  Our church planter Ashok has settled here and taking care of this centre. He is a young man but with great passion for the villagers. It’s a big challenge for him as this is a very backward village and with very little facilities. With the money given, we bought medicines for the villagers. The village head was very happy to receive the medicines.  People are quite happy to see this .  Govt has appointed teacher here in this village but due to the difficulties of staying & communication problem nobody ever wished to stay here. But we have promised them that we will continue to teach the children .  We need stationary to pick these children & to make them interested . Please be praying for these children & their needs sir .   I'm really thankful to God & thankful to all who support for Dangria project work. May the good God bless them abun...

The Power in the Church

Acts 2:42-43 -   They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. The early church was on fire. There was such unity and oneness. They were meeting together for  Bible  Study and prayer and the Lord performed signs and wonder through the apostles. What was the secret behind such a  revival? Why did they have such hunger and thirst for the Word of God and payer? I believe the answer if found in the beginning of the chapter. Acts 2:4 -   All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit   The secret to the power of the early church is the Holy  Spirit. And that's what the Lord promised before He ascended to heaven: Acts 1:8 -  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;  and you will be my witnesses  in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,  and to the ...

Sunday at His Arrow Church

I had the privilege of ministering at His Arrow Church in Bishan area. I have been coming here quite  regularly  and it was a pleasure to meet friends form other  churches . Pst Aow and I go a long way. He has been a mentor  and  trainer and its always a joy to meet him. This church is very much  involved  in Missions in Africa and Asia, more than  what  PEC does. And yet his  humility  and servitude is amazing. So  much Christ like. I shared on:  1 Cor 10:31  -  So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God . The whole church came forward for prayer at the end of the service and we  ministers  to every one of  home. Thanking God for the opportunity. To God be the glory

Another new beginning

For the first time we are able to conduct CP training for the centers in Nepal. One center is in Kathmandu, under the oversight of Pst Amrit and another in Bardiya (West Nepal), under the supervision of Pst Prem. We have a total of 19 students. This is a historic first in PEC's CP training program, where two centers are being trained simultaneously, sharing the resources We thank God for technology that more be  people  can be trained and the reach to end gospel poverty is much greater. I am specially thankful to Rev James Ng and his wife  Marilyn , who have  faithfully  contributed to the work in Nepal. Also thankful to Dr Mike Ong for his  partnership  and leadership in Nepal. To Gpod be the  glory

CP graduation in Yangon.

  In spite of the many challenges in Myanmar, the work of the Lord still continues. It was a joy to see the CP graduation which took place in Yangon on 2 Feb. I was supposed to be but due to my  schedule , I was unable  to a   trend . Rev Victor Goh went instead and on his own expenses. I am indeed  thank  to the Lord for his  servant  who has been generous and passionate about the Great Commission. I was told that the graduation was conducted very  professionally .  I am also grateful to Pst Phongshar and dear wife Seng Mai for all the labour in the field.  There are many  challenges  in Myanmar but we thank God for His faithful servants, who risk life and limp, for His glory. To God be the glory.