Devotion - Why Pray - Part 2

Last week we saw that we need to pray because Jesus himself prayed. If the master needed to be in communion with the Father, if He needed to hear the voice of God the first thing in the day, how much more we need to do the same. Jesus always led by example and we do well to follow His example and walk in His steps.You will notice that the disciples came to Jesus in Luke 11 and asked him to teach them how to pray. Don't the disciples know how to pray? Every Jew is taught the Prayer of Moses and memorises portions of the Torah by the time he reaches the age of Bar Mitzvah. Why then the request, "Teach us to pray" They must have noticed that the way Jesus prayed was different, He addressed God as Father when the Jews dared not even mention the name of God. How often have you read in the Old Testament where God was addressed as Father? But Jesus addressed God as "Abba"...Daddy. In fact Jesus prayed with such authority and hence the request, "Teach us to pray li...