Devotion: Mighty Warrior - Part 1

Judges 6 Sometimes we wonder if we are doing the right thing, especially when things tend to go wrong, or when a close friend betrays your trust or when God simply does not seem to say a word. This week the Spirit led me to meditate on Judges Ch 6 to consider the live of Gideon and to draw strength from that passage. Gideon's condition (6:11-12) Lost Bearing . He was supposed to be a leader but was doing the wrong job (threshing wheat) and doing it at the wrong place (vineyard). A chosen leader doing the wrong thing at the wrong place. Total disorientation. Lost Bravery . He had no courage. He was filled with fear of the enemy and hence runs into hiding. Lost Belongings . All his possessions taken away by the enemy. Living in Bondage . Enemies were in control of what was supposed to be God's people. Life of Questions. He questions God in verse 13. "Where is God? He has abandon us. Where are all his miracles? Gideon seems to be in a helpless and hopeless condition and mos...