Mission Trip to Tamil Nadu - 23-28 Apr 13

A total of 15 went from Singapore on this trip. Others joined us from Trivandrum and Chennai.The objective for the trip were: Dedication of the 2nd floor of Shadrach Home Graduation of 4th Batch of Church Planters One church dedication Visit Church Planters We departed Singapore on 23 rd Apr and arrived Trivandrum about 11.15PM. Pst John Signey and the boys from Shadrach Home were at the airport to receive us. Suresh was there as well. All guests were garlanded by the boys and it was a joy to see them. They are growing real fast. By the time we checked into our hotel it was past midnight. On 24 Apr, we visited the Shadrach Home. It was a joy to see the boys again. Late morning, we had the dedication of the 2nd floor of the Home. Dr Lim offered a prayer of dedication, after which we toured the new structure. It was beautifully done. There are now sufficient dormitories for the boys and rooms for dinner and study. We thank God and the sponsors fo...