Visit to the Taj Mahal

This morning, Seegan and I visited the Taj Mahal at 6:00AM in the morning. This is was the only slot we had to do some sightseeing. I had visited this wonder before with Jeya but this was the first for Seegan. 

We departed our hotel at 5:30AM. The weather was cooler than the previous days as it rained last evening and the early part of the night. It was bright at 5:45AM. The Tai was about 2.5KM away from our hotel and so we took a brisk walk. (I was quite familiar with the surroundings by now).🤣🤣

The Taj Mahal is a sight to be behold. The road to the Taj has been improved considerably, compared to the last time we visited in Dec 2016. But sadly the roads were still littered by the droppings of cows and dogs. with too many monkeys on the road and trees. I hope the ADA will do something about this to improve the image of India to the outside world. (I have been to the Great Wall of China and what a contrast in terms of cleanliness, presentation and atmosphere)

Once again the Taj is a beauty to behold. Magnificent and rich in history. The structure, the architecture and depth of work undertaken is simply mind blowing. Although its about 371 years old, it still looks as new and splendid.

We could only spend an hour there. We had to rush back and prepare for the sessions in the morning.

We thank God for the artistic ability He has given to men.


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