Graduation of the 2nd batch of of CPTC Students.

Today we had the graduation of the 2nd batch of the CPTC program in Gujarat, Pakistan. 10 students graduated from this batch after a five month course. The training covered both leadership and theological subjects. Both local and overseas faculty were involved in the teaching.

I thank God for Pst Ashraf and his team who are keen to train young men with skills to be the "salt and the light". 

These students have been very eager to learn and diligent in their studies. May they impact Pakistan with the skills they have learnt and be a blessing.

About 70 people attended the graduation ceremony. Family, friends and partners were represented in the graduation.

Some of the faculty joined via zoom for the celebration.

The feedback from the students was very positive and we thank God for the opportunity to train the young people in Pakistan.

We are looking forward to the next batch. Praying that God will give us the right sponsors to conduct this program. 

To God be the glory


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